Applications for registration of new users
Required option, enter your full information, the options with * are required to fill.
User Name:
* Please fill in the real company or individual name.
AOFAX application type:
Please choose the type of AOFAX.
machine Body serial number:
* Fill in the machine Body serial number.
Select region:
* Please choose the region.
Detailed Address:
Postal Code:
The company's Web site or personal home page:
Contact Name:
* Please fill in the contact name.
* Please fill in your contact phone number.
- - * Please fill in your fax number.
* Note: The mail must be received AOFAX numbers.
Mobile phone:
Company or individual characteristics Description:
  (Limitation of 200 characters or fewer.)
Platform introduction | AOFAX 3G-FAX digital fax machine  | Contact Us Copyright 2007 Shenzhen City AOFAX Technology Co., Ltd.